Cancellation policy


Your time is precious and so is ours. If you are unable to make an appointment or need to alter it, please let us know at least 24 hours before your scheduled time. Please confirm via text and be on time for your appointments as we may not be able to complete the service you have booked. Anything more than 5 minutes late will be classed as a no show and charged. This will help us also keep your appointments running on time. Please also be aware we are heavily booked until the New Year so rescheduling may not be an option. 

If less than 24 hours’ notice is given, we will charge a 50% cancellation fee. If a no show occurs, we will charge 100%. If you change your mind on the day as to what you were booked in for, you will be liable for the full amount.

Thank you for your understanding.

We have this policy in place so that we can keep our doors open, our prices low, have you covered by insurance, pay our staff what they deserve and use high quality products.